Most people often look at me like there is something wrong with me when I say that I am going away by myself. They wonder why I would want to go to the other side of the world not knowing anyone, and wonder if I would get lonely. I do not see it this way at all. Going travelling by yourself has got to be one of the best ways to travel, you are pushed right out of your comfort zone and forced to do things you would never do if you were travelling with someone else or a group or people. Going by yourself means you will meet so many more people, there is no other way about it. You will have to talk to people if you want to make friends and have people to talk to, otherwise you really would be alone the whole time. If you were travelling with someone from home, you would just stick with them and not find a need to speak to other people at your hostel, or local people around town. 

Friends I met while I was in Trondheim, Norway.
Another bonus of travelling alone is that you can do what you want, when you want and see what you want to see when you want to see it. There is no need to have to debate with another person on what you think you should spend your day doing, if you want to go see that musuem, you can go without having to worry that someone else may find it boring. There is no chance that you will miss out on something that you really want to see, because there is no one saying that you shouldn't go see it. 

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